Fergus falls daily journal 1970
Fergus falls daily journal 1970

In Buffalo n.y., rebellious youths seized the administration building and four other buildings at the state University Campus there and pronounced they were a on the building takeovers followed a night of violence on the Campus in which the youths in continued on twelve pages Fergus Falls Minn. Among the reasons for their anger and the protests the demonstrators said were their opposition to the Vietnam War their opposition to the capitalistic system a feeling they were being exploited by landlords and what they Call police repression Ami stifling of dissent on the Campus and elsewhere in the nation. The spokesman said officers were seeking to avoid a confrontation in which they would need to defend themselves with clubs and guns. A sheriffs spokesman said police had a gotten the hell out of there in the face of massed demonstrators. Thursday just one hour after Yelling and whooping 300 local officers routed about 500 youths with tear. Witnesses said the demonstrators in Santa Barbara marched shoulder to shoulder and a came on like a cavalry charge about 9. Five buildings at the state University at new York in Buffalo were seized by militant students today who announced they were on strike. At mount Holyoke College in South Hadley mass., about 150 Black students barricaded themselves today in seven Campus buildings. Elsewhere in the nation there were other scenes of student unrest. About 300 California guardsmen were ordered into the area of the University of California at Santa Barbara after a nighttime Battle Between police and the demonstrators for control of the streets. 49 Hill National guardsmen in Campus area by the associated press National guardsmen moved into the collegiate suburb of Santa Barbara calif., today after a mass of Young demonstrators forced outnumbered local police officers to Retreat from the area which has been the scene of four Days of disturbances. The weather partly Cloudy and colder Fergus Falls daily journal vol. Fergus Falls Daily Journal (Newspaper) - February 27, 1970, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

Fergus falls daily journal 1970